
Showing posts from June, 2019

Why Watch Boris?

There are 650 members of the lower house in the United Kingdom. Why, of all these individuals, does Boris have such a following, to the point where, when one goes to a pub anywhere, his first name is only necessary and everyone knows who you're referring to? He's not the father of the house (that's Kenneth Clarke). He's only been an MP since 1999. But he's going places. In his brief time as an MP, he has had quite a few scandals, a number of affairs - to my readers on the other side of the Atlantic, he's Donald Trump. However, he's more devious and cunning than the US president. Finally, he is likely to become prime minister of the United Kingdom.

Who is Boris?

Do I really need to explain this? Well, ok, I suppose not everyone is as avid a watcher of British politics as I am. Boris Johnson is the former MP for Henley, former vice chairman, former shadow arts minister, former higher education minister (yes, someone was high when this happened, but it gets worse, kind reader, please keep reading), former Mayor of London, former foreign secretary, and current MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip and Tory Party leadership contender. In addition to all these roles, he is a prolific author and journalist, having published long volumes on history and many columns in the Spectator and the Daily Telegraph.